A pillow covered with a towel will be placed under the hips. With the knees bent and the legs spread slightly apart and the genitals freely accessible for the massage. Before the massage starts, both the receiver and giver will begin with deep relaxing breathing. Gentle strokes to the thighs, chest, legs and nipples to help the receiver relax. Keep reminding the receiver to breath deeply and lay back and relax.
A small amount of warm oil will be placed on the testicles and the shaft of the Lingam. The massage will start with the testicles being slowly caressed, please let your giver know if there is any pain in this sensitive area. The movement will move to area above the Lingam known as the public bone and back down to perineum, the area between the anus and testicles. The shaft of the Lingam will have varied moves of speed and pressure and slow squeezing movements from the base up and down.
Slowly massage the head of the Lingam massaging around the head and shaft. In the Lingam there are many nerve endings which correspond to other parts within the body. From time to time the Lingam may or may not go soft, there is no concern at any point if you go hard. Softness and hardness come with the two ends of any Lingam experience.
The goal is not to orgasm, as the receiver if you feel this is the case please let your giver know who will move away from the Lingam allowing it to soften before caring on. The art of ejaculatory mastery is an art any man can master just by backing off on the stimulation, done by deep breathing. This in the future will allow you to make love longer with multi-orgasms without losing any semen.