We all take knocks on our emotions from time to time In our lives, so whether you have been diagnosed with a mental health issue, or just having a back time of it at present, a fully body massage will rejuvenate your life and wellbeing. Booking a weekly appointment with a Tantric Soul masseur for 60 to 90 minutes can be a way to look after yourself. Whether the symptoms are an unstable mood, distress, physiological or lethargy the symptoms will be spotted early in the first appointment. The experience will help the client to feel a sense of being grounded. The sensation of deep tissue work with Swedish stokes followed by the close one on one body touch, will leave you connected to your physical self and body. This will leave you feeling less caught up with an unproduction thought process. It is often difficult to understand that feelings are not facts. The static this is running through your head is often difficult to understand, Tantric therapy helps you to realise the truth. The realisation of it making you reduce the volume of it.
When will the benefits start to show?
Every Tantric Soul appointment is tailored to an individuals’ specific needs, but one thing that is common that some of the benefits will be noticed straight away. You may notice a change in your sleep patterns or feel more tranquil or calmer during the appointment or shortly after. You may be more stimulated or active with the refreshed feeling you are left with and not rake over sad moments from your past. You will have a better control on your own mental health wellbeing, with signs of stress being noticed earlier on.
Massage – is this a mental illness solution?
You should never dismiss any advice handed out by your specialist/GP. Seek advice from charities like MIND not just what is handed out by GP. Massage should be look upon as an auxiliary care rather than a primary treatment for a mental illness. Down the line you should be able to spot the early signs of a mental illness and contact your masseur. Support for a mental illness should be sought over booking a massage.
Can I learn any self-massage moves to perform at home?
Are there any self-massage techniques I can learn to do on myself at home, the back being the difficult area to reach. Well of cause, the thing about this is that you are giving that opportunity up of someone else doing the work, allowing the mind to focus on calmness techniques. There are a number of techniques that you can learn to give yourself a shoulder and neck massage whiclst sat relaxing.